Né en 1963 à Paris, France
Vit et travaille à Bruxelles, Belgique
Prix, bourses, résidences :
Oscar dans la catégorie « Best Original Screenplay » avec Michel Gondry et Charlie Kaufman pour le film Eternal
Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, de Michel Gondry / Oscar for the Best Original Screenplay with Michel Gondry and Charlie Kaufman for the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind by Michel Gondry
Expositions personnelles récentes (sélection) :
Where is Rocky II?, Galerie Jan Mot, Bruxelles
Where is Rocky II?,Team, Gallery, New York
Where is Rocky II?, Galerie Bugada & Cargnel, Paris
Pierre Bismuth. Der Kurator, der Anwalt und der Psychoanalytiker, Kunsthalle Wien, Wien
Ce qui n’a jamais été / Ce qui pourrait être, Musée Régional d’Art Contemporain, Sérignan
Jugement civil no 71/, Galerie Bugada & Cargnel, Paris
Liquids, and Gels, Galerie Christine König, Wien
Mit, Pierre Bismuth gegen Propaganda, Galerie Jan Mot, Brussels
In Advance of Unpredictable Usage Conditions, D&A-Lab, Brussels
Cory Arcangel VS Pierre Bismuth, Team Gallery, New York
An Ocean of Lemonade – Or the Trouble with Living in a Time of Fulfilled Utopias, SMART Art Project, Amsterdam
Le versant de l’analyse, Galerie Jan Mot, Brussels
La galerie est heureuse de vous inviter à la nouvelle exposition de Pierre Bismuth, Galerie Bugada & Cargnel, Paris
Le psy, l’artiste et le cuisinier, Nuit Blanche, Musée d’art et d’histoire du judaïsme, Paris
Flip Side of the Same, Art Unlimited, Basel
Pierre Bismuth, Fremantle Art Center, Perth
Objects That Should Have Changed Your Life, Base Progetti per l’Arte, Florence
Pierre Bismuth, Following the Right Hand Of…, Team Gallery, New York
Neon, Mirror and Gold, Galleria Sonia Rosso, Turin
Ruled by Extravagant Expectations, Galerie Christine König, Wien
The All Seeing Eye (The Hardcore Techno Version), BFI, British Film Institute, London
The Beauty and the Beast, Galerie Christine König, Wien
Coming Soon, Queensland Art Gallery, Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane
Coming Soon, Galerie Bugada & Cargnel, Paris
One Man’s Mess is Another Man Masterpiece, Galerie Jan Mot, Brussels
One Size Fits All, Mary Boone Gallery, New York
One Size Fits All, Team Gallery, New York
Siamo sulla Buona Strada, Villa Arson, Nice, commissaire / curated by Thierry Davila
Coming Soon, Santa Monica Museum of Art, Santa Monica
Most Wanted Men, Galerie Herna Hécey, Brussels
Most Wanted Men, Galerie Ian Mot, Brussels
Pierre Bismuth – Pantone 192 e altri colori, i>, Galleria Sonia Rosso, Turin
The All Seeing Eye, Galerie Bugada & Cargnel, Paris (avec / with Michel Gondry)
Tout ce qui n’est pas interdit est obligatoire, Kunstmuseum Thun, Thun
In the framework of the Nuit Blanche Festival, Galerie SAS, Montreal
Points de vue, Ville de Nancy
Following the Right Hand of Kim Novak in – Kiss Me Stupid, i>, Art Unlimited Basel, Lisson Gallery, London
Something Less Something More, Galerie Christine König, Wien
Something Less, Something More – Le Trou de Bale, i>, Art Unlimited, Basel
Nel, nome del padre (Works After Daniel Buren), Galleria Sonia Rosso, Turin
Presque identique, très légèrement différent, , Bugada & Cargnel, Paris
Collages fit for General Audiences, Lisson Gallery, London
Pierre Bismuth, Art gallery of York University, Toronto
I Agree – the Idea of Cloning Humans is Disgusting, Galerie Jan Mot, Brussels
Arte per tutti, ma capita solo da te, Galleria Sonia Rosso, Torino
Quelque chose en moins, quelque chose en plus, Galerie Erna Hecey, Luxembourg
The Party, Sprengel Museum, Hannover
Expositions collectives récentes (sélection) :
Geh und spiel mit dem Riesen! Kindheit, Emanzipation und Kritik, Museum Villa Stuck, Munich, commissaires Eva Maria Stadler, Anne Marr
Re, -Corbusier, Seize œuvres contemporaines à la Maison La Roche, Fondation Le Corbusier, Paris
Icône(s), Maison particulière, Bruxelles
Presque la même chose, Kunsthalle Mulhouse, centre d’art contemporain, Mulhouse
The Other Side. Mirrors and reflections in contemporary art, MMKK Museum Moderner Kunst Kärnten, Klagenfurt, Germany
Explore., Le château, Rentilly
De Autodidact, Extra City, Antwerp
Des choses en plus, des choses en moins, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, commissaires / curated by Sébastien Faucon and Agnès Violeau
En suivant la main gauche de Jacques Lacan. L’âme et l’inconscient, Le Nouveau Festival, Centre Pompidou, Paris
The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side – New Vindobona, i>, with Nicolas Firket, site-specific project, Kunsthalle Wien
For Each Gesture Another Character, Art Stations Foundation, Poznan
Grey Flags, Backslah Gallery Paris, commissaire / curated by Timothée Chaillou
Le Musée imaginaire d’Henri Langlois, Cinémathèque Française, Paris, commissaire / curated by Dominique Païni
The Part in the Story Where a Part Becomes a Part of Something Else, Witte de With, Rotterdam
Grey Flags, Backslash Gallery, Paris, curated by Thimotée Chaillou Words As Doors, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien, Graz The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side – New Vindobona, with Nicolas Firket, site-specific project, Kunsthalle Wien
Philippe Cohen présente : Honey, I Rearranged the Collection, Passage de Retz, Paris, commissaire / curated by Ami Barak
On the Tip of My Tongue, Centrale for contemporary art, Magasin 3 Stockholm Konsthall, Stockholm
Dear Portrait, Mostyn, Llandudno
L’Origine des choses, Centrale for contemporary art, Centre d’art contemporain de la Ville de Bruxelles, Bruxelles
Cast Recording, Prism gallery, West Holliwood, commissaire / curated by Liv Barrett
Lines, A Brief History, Centre Pompidou Metz, Metz, commissaires / curated by Hélène Guenin and Christian Briend
Seuls quelques fragments de nous toucheront quelques fragments d’autrui, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, commissaire / curated by Thimotée Chaillou
In 15 minutes everyone will be in the future. (An Opera), Center for contemporary art « Ancient Bath », Plovdiv, commissaires / curated by Galina Dimitrova-Dimova and Dessislava Dimova
Prestige : Fantasmagories de notre temps, Palais d’exposition du Centre culturel de communication de Klaipeda, Klaipeda, commissaire / curated by Julija Cistiakova
Motion Capture, The Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork
Desire Lines, ACCA, Melbourne
Summer Salon Series : Beyond the Banner, The San Diego Museum of Art, San Diego
Neon. La materia luminosa dell’arte, MACRO, Rome
The Whole World is Watchin, g, Le Magasin – CNAC, Grenoble
Theatre of life, Contemporary Art Centre, Torum
Trait papier, un essai sur le dessin contemporain, Musée des Beaux-Arts de La Chaux-de-Fonds, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Denkbeeldig, Kwintet – Quintette imaginaire, Galerie Micheline, Anvers
An Incomplete History of Incomplete Works of Art, Galerie Francesca Minini, Milan
Graphology, Drawing Room, London
Berlin Biennale, Berlin
The Art of Cooking, Royal T, Los Angeles
The Artist’s Postcard Show, Spike Island, Bristol
Neon – Who’s Afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue?, La Maison Rouge, Paris
A Corral around Your Idea, Galerie Jan Mot, Bruxelles
I should learn to look at an empty sky and feel its total dark sublime, Galerie Bugada & Cargnel, Paris
Paysages avec objets absents, Fri Art, Centre d’art contemporain, Fribourg
The Joy of Pleasure, VeneKlasen/Werner, Berlin, commissaires / curated by Monika Szewczyk and Dieter Roelstraete
Underwood, Galerie 1900-2000, Paris, commissaires / curated by Marcel Fleiss and Bernard Blistene
Une terrible beauté est née, i>, 11ème biennale de Lyon, Lyon, commissaire / curated by Victoria Noorthoorn
Round and round and round 2, Château de Rentilly, collection du FRAC Ile de Franc, Rentilly, commissaire / curated by Xavier Franceschi
Lost in translation: Chapter L, Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg, commissaire / curated by Emmanuel Lambion
Melanchotopia, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam
Sound and Vision: Beyond Reason, Contour , 5ème biennale de l’Image Mouvante, Mechelen, commissaire / curated by Anthony Kiendl
Archivisions, #1, poétique urbaine, Le Parvis Centre d’Art Contemporain, Pau, commissaire / curated by Magali Gentet
In deed: certificates of authenticity in art, De Vleeshal, Middelburg
The end of Money, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam
Fluiten, in het donker, project by the curatorial programme 10/11, Appel Art Centre, Amsterdam
Bild, für Bild, Museum Ostwall, Dortmund
21st Century : Art in the first Decade, Queensland Art Gallery, Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane
The Gong Show, Micky Schubert Gallery, Berlin
Lonely at the top, : Graphology, Chapter I, M HKA, Antwerp
Exhibition of distances, Tulips & Roses, Brussels
Repetition, island, Centre Pompidou, Paris, commissaire / curated by Raimundas Malasaukas
Prospective XXI siècle, Le Plateau, FRAC Ile-de-France, Paris
De leur temps 3, 10 ans de création en France/le prix Marcel Duchamp, Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain de Strasbourg, Strasbourg
Soit dit en passant, FRAC Languedoc-Roussillon, Montpellier
2nd International Antakya Biennial, International Antakya Biennial, Antakya
Exhibitions, Centre Pompidou, Metz,
The Last Newspaper, New Museum, New York, commissaires / curated by Richard Flood and Benjamin Godsill
ABC Art Belge Contemporain, Studio national des arts contemporain, Le Fresnoy, commissaire / curated by Dominique Païni
Une forme pour toute action, , Le Printemps de Septembre, Musée les Abattoirs, Toulouse, commissaires / curated by Éric Mangion and Isabelle Gaudefroy
Exhibition, exhibition / Mostra, mostra, Castello di Rivoli, Turin, commissaire / curated by Adam Carr
Repetition Island, Centre Pompidou, Paris, commissaire / curated by Raimundas Malasauskas
Yesterday Will Be Better, Taking Memory into the Future, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, commissaire / curated by Stephan Kunz
August in Art Biennial, August in Art Biennial, Varna
Chef d’oeuvre, Centre Pompidou, Metz
A Basic Human Impulse, Galleria Comunale di Monfalcone, Monfalcone, commissaire / curated by Andrea Bruciati
Remote Vision., The Best of Loop: New Video Art from Europe and the Americas (2003-2009), Santa Monica Art Centre, Barcelona
Drawing, Time / Le temps du dessin, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nancy, Nancy
A bas Lénine, la vierge à l’écurie, Galerie Christine König, Wien
Ce qui vient, Les ateliers de Rennes – Biennale d’art contemporain, Couvent des Jacobins, Rennes, commissaire / curated by Raphaële Jeune
The Way We Do Art Now, Galerie Tanya Leighton, Berlin
Ever Prosperity, Galerie Bugada & Cargnel, Paris
Seconde main, ARC, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris
FAX, Para / Site Art Space, Hong Kong
Collecter / Recycler Usage de l’archive photographique dans la création contemporaine, Centre Photographique de l’Ile de France, Paris
DOUBLE BIND / Arrêtez d’essayer de me comprendre!, Villa Arson, Nice
A swiss Private Collection, Mitterrand + Cramer Fine Art Genève, Geneva
Fax, Torrance Art Museum, Torrance
Languages and Experimentations, MART, Rovereto
Brave New world / From the Perspective of MUDAM Collection, MUDAM, Musée d’art moderne Grand-Duc Jean, Luxembourg, commissaire / curated by Enrico Lunghi
Poem Island, Montblanc, Paris, commissaires / curated by Olivia de Smedt and Benjamin Loyauté
From Shop Window Mannequin to Media Star, Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Santiago de Compostela, commissaires / curated by Marta de la Torriente, Rocío Gracias, Marta Ricón and Sergio Rubira
FAX, Plug In Institute Of Contemporary Art, Winnipeg, Manitoba
GAGARIN The Artists in their Own Words, SMAK, Gent
Editions VS Objects, CECCH – centre d’édition contemporaine, Genève
Mille e tre, Le Louvre, Paris, commissaire / curated by Marie-Laure Bernadac
White Noise III, Pandora’s Sound Box, White Box, New York, commissaire / curated by Lara Pan
Mise à l’échelle, Regard sur la collection d’art contemporain au Grand-Hornu, i>MAC’s, Musée des arts contemporains, Grand-Hornu
Portugal Art, Lisbon
Pete and Repeat, Works from the Zabludowicz Collection, 176/Zabludowicz Collection, London
I Am by Birth a Genevese, and my family is one of the most distinguished of that republic, Forde, Genève
IV biennial de Jafre, Biennial de Jafre, Jafre
Finissage, , Galerie Zonca & Zonca, Milan
Richard Prince and the revolution, Galerie Projecte SD, Barcelona
I am byBirth a Genevese, Vegas Gallery, London
Art Is Only a Feeling, KOVOS, Eindhoven
Jonathan Monk on Richard Prince, Galerie Projecte SD, Barcelona
Folllowing, the Right Hand of – Sigmund Freud, Art Basel film, Basel
Pierre Bismuth, Mario Garcia Torres, Annette Kelm, Deimantas Narkevicius, Gallerie Jan Mot, Brussels
Höhenrausch, – Art on the Rooftops of Linz, OK Center for Contemporary Art, Linz
V.O.S.T. OV / OT, iMal, Bruxelles
Talk Show, ICA Institute of Contemporary Art, London
Fax, Drawing Center, New York
Lille 3000, Liquid Frontiers, Tri Postale, Lille
The Real Thing, Eindhoven
Dans le cadre de :
- E.CITÉ – EUROPE : « ARTECITYA » : 15 Novembre 2013 – 01 Decembre 2013
- Something Less Something More 2004 bois pièce unique
- Names and colours 2006 installation avec 36 bombes de peinture aérosol pièce unique
- Following the Right Hand of – Cyd Charisse in « The Band Wagon » 2008 marqueur permanent sur plexiglas anti-UV et impression photo sur forex 77 x 103 centimètres pièce unique
- Unfinished Fontana #2 2007 acrylique sur toile 40 x 30 centimètres pièce unique