Né en 1980 à Kosice, Slovaquie
1994-1998 Secondary Technical School of Commercial and Decorative Art, Košice
1999-2006 Prof. Juraj Bartusz’s Studio of Free Creativeness 3D, Department of Fine Art and intermedia, Faculty of Art, Technical University, Košice
2003-2004 Two-semester scholarship at the Academy of Fine Art, Prague, New Media Studio 2, the school of Veronika Bromová
2004 Better to see once than to hear a hundred times (with Mário Chromý), Gallery Jelení, Prague
2007 Reutersdrama, Museum Vojtech Löffler, Košice
2008 Iranian Complex, Klatovy / Klenová Gallery
Áčko – Internetional Festival of Student Film, Bratislava, Slovakia
Perceiving Sculpture, collective exhibition in the Square of Rimavská Sobota / Snowboarding video art festival, Buryzone Club, Bratislava / Surveys, exhibition at the University of Fine Art, Bratislava and the Department of Fine Art and Intermedia, Košice, Považská Gallery, Žilina / Collective exhibition at the Department of Fine Art and Intermedia, Vladimír Skrepl’s Studio of Painting, Academy of Fine Art, Prague / Avandgarda 2003, City Gallery, Rimavská Sobota / Pal fiction videoart festival, Artfactory Gallery, Prague / Winter, Workshop-Exhibition, Squat Exist, Plzeň
Memory Stick, exhibiton organized by New Media 2 studio, Comedy Theatre, Prague / Raped Subconsciousness, an illegal exhibition event in Praque Metro / East Slovak Art, AM180 Utopia, Prague / Spring, Workshop, Squat Exist, Plzeň / Fresh, School Exhibition, Museum Vojtech Löffler, Košice / Grand Bazaar, collective exhibition in the area of Second Hand Store, Prague / Konzum, Gallery Půda, Jihlava
Surveys 2, Považská Gallery, Žilina / Heroes & Brothers, Billboart Gallery Europe, Bratislava / Prize Egoart, Nod Gallery in Roxy, Praque / The Oskar Cepan Award, the exhibition of the finalists, GMB, Pálffy Palace, Bratislava / Skart.sk, Kunstverein Heilbronn / Videoart from Košice, Center Contenporary Art, Kisinev / Stop domestic violence, Amnesty International exhibition, Bratislava
Jindrych Chalupecky Award &Young Visual Artist Awards from Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia & Montenegro and Slovakia, City Gallery Prague / Stop domestic violence, Amnesty International exhibition, Metro Florenc & Gallery C2C, Prague / Man, Hero, Spirit, Machine, Gallery Medium, Bratislava / The Gates from Europa, Museum of Modern Art, Saint Étienne / Shadows of Humor, Galeria Sztuki, Wroclaw / Salon of young artist, gallery in Zlín / Start point prize, show of the best art themis of European Art Academies, Klatovy / Shadows of Humor, BWA Bielsko Biala / Shadows of Humor, Mars Gallery Moscow / Czpoint, international festival of political art, Nod Gallery, Prague / Für Wände reden, Workshop&exhibition in Open Cultural Space Stanica, Zilina-Zarecie / WAZZUP? Month of Photography, Fotogalerie Wien / New generation, PGU, Žilina
Ne-moc sub-dominancia, Štátna galéria v Banskej Bystrici / Against everyone, Bastard gallery, Bratislava / Net, Billboart Gallery Europe, Bratislava, Košice / East of Eden, Space Gallery, Bratislava / Regime, Trafo Gallery, Prague / Socha a objekt, GMB, Bratislava / Equal opportunities, Open Gallery, Bratislava / Agorafolly, De Elektriciteitscentrale – European Centre for Contemporary Art, Brussel
Borderers / Ľudia z hraničných zón, Médium Gallery / East of Eden, Karlin studios, Prague