Né en 1953 à Budapest. Vit et travaille à Bratislava.
1970-74 Academy of visual arts and design in Bratislava
1974-76 Academy of visual arts in Budapest
1977 Postgraduate study in Budapest
1990-2002 pedagogical activities in Constantine Philosopher Univerzity in Nitra
From the year 1992 pedagogical activities on Faculty of visual arts in Brno
Artistic activities: akcition, installation, photography, video.
Slovak national Gallery, City Gallery of Bratislava, Museum of Art Žilina, Central Slovakian Gallery Banská Bystrica, Novohrad Museum and Gallery Lučenec, Art Gallery Nové Zámky, Nitran Gallery in Nitra, Ludwig Forum Aachen, Magyar Nemzeti Gallery Budapest, Ludwig Museum Budapest, Bauhaus Foundation Dessau, Photo Medium Art Wroclaw, Galerie Delikt Friborg, National Gallery in Prague, Documenta archive Kassel.
2002 Watch and Go, City Gallery of Bratislava
2003 Autoreverse, Gallery of SLSP Bratislava
2005 Web Site Story, FAVU Gallery, Brno
2007 Mixed Memories, Jan Koniarek Gallery, Trnava
2003 Contemporary graphic Art, State Gallery Banská Bystrica / Master pieces of 20. Century, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
2005 Media S-Cream, Jan Koniarek Gallery, Trnava / East Art Map, Irwin, Belgrad
2006 Autopoesis, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
2007 Jesť sa musí!, Nitran Gallery, Nitra
2008 All about Museum, Slovak National Gallery / Triennial of Contemporary art, National Gallery, Prague / 15 years of FAVU, Gallery of FAVU, Brno
- Petites Histoires : Regards Projetés – Slovaquie