ARTECITYA. 9 approaches to urban challenges
2018, MOTA editions
255 pages, English
This publication presents nine projects that address urban challenges through partnerships between NGOs, municipalities, private companies and artists. Each chapter is dedicated to a different project, spanning from reusing construction waste to inventing new employment models, from data transparency to initiating the revitalisation of a deprived city area, and inventing new approaches to renovating buildings and infrastructure.
Artecitya. 9 approaches to urban challenges is intended for decision makers in local governments and their urban development agencies and in companies, and encourages them to include artists, NGOs and local communities in the processes of urban development and revitalisation projects.
Artecitya – the project
Artecitya (2014-2018) was a multifaceted cultural project designed to involve artists, architects, planners and researchers with local communities on issues of development and transformation of European cities. Its ambition is to analyse the urban context in order to define our public spaces, integrating the public and opening the dialogue to work together and give new meanings to urban spaces and, finally, to develop new business models to ensure the sustainability of projects and their self-financing. Artecitya was supported by the European Commission in the framework of the Creative Europe / Culture programme. Initiated by Apollonia, it brought together nine European structures including Bellastock (Paris), Apollonia (Strasbourg), KUNSTrePUBLIK (Berlin, Germany), ARTos Foundation (Nicosia, Cyprus), MoTA (Ljubljana, Slovenia), CCEA (Prague, Czech Republik), Laznia CCA (Gdansk, Poland), Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki (Greece) and TIF-Helexpo (Thessaloniki, Greece).
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