Exhibition of works combining visual arts and music by the students of the European School in Strasbourg
Apollonia location
From May 16th to June 2nd 2024
As part of our collaboration with the European School in Strasbourg, we are organising the ARTISSIMO! exhibition, the brainchild of art and music teachers Vanessa Lenzi and Lisa Fisher.
Secondary school pupils at the European School from Sixième to Terminal, together with a class from CP, created works in a multitude of media, from painting to sculpture, collage to photography and video to installation, always with music as their ally !
The project was driven by the desire to create and bring artistic and musical education subjects to life together, to build bridges between visual art and music, and to move from one to the other through dance and movement. It’s also an opportunity to showcase the arts, not in contradiction with scientific subjects, but rather encouraging students to develop their creativity and their artistic and cultural identity, whatever their pathways. This is why the European School offers pupils the chance to practise artistic subjects throughout their studies and to choose them as an option for the European Baccalaureate.
It is in this spirit of openness and imagination that we invite everyone to discover this exhibition, to look with their ears and listen with their eyes to these sonorous and colourful compositions.