Patrick Bogner lives and works in Strasbourg. He is an independant photographer since 1982 and shares his time between professional photography and personal artistic creation.
Since then he has been focusing his work on the function and the theatricality of places.
His favourite themes are about the Elsewhere, this somewhere else which is not distant but which is the other side of a place, its invisible side; an elsewhere within an area that needs the photograph to be embodied, to become visible.
He also has an interest for areas and populations where he senses a metaphor for human existence and is particularly fond of the indigenous lans of Latin America where he has been conductiong projects since 1987. SInce 2006, he got attached to the notion of Vanity and built a collection of images on this matter with a wooden box camera and its black cloat, unlike photographers of the 21st century. His aim is to ritualize his work and to impose slowness on himself.
In 2009, the experience of a POL (Photographic Observatory of Landscapes) opened him up new propects.
Espace CIAL, Strasbourg
Musée Bartholdi, Colmar
CAC Mulhouse/Galerie AMC
Espace BW Bank, Stuttgart (Allemagne)
Palais des Congrès, Strasbourg
FNAC, Strasbourg, Assises Régionales pour l’égalité d’accès à la culture
Galerie Lézard, Colmar
Bibliothèque Municipale, Strasbourg
Fundação Nacional das Artes (Funarte), Rio de Janeiro ( Brésil )
Hôtel du Département, Strasbourg
Centro Cultural Candido Mendes, Rio de Janeiro ( Brésil )
Festival “Perspectives”, Saarbrücken (Allemagne)
Casa França Brasil, Rio de Janeiro ( Brésil )
Galerie Lézard, Colmar
Centre culturel André Malraux, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy
La Passerelle, Centre culturel de Gap
“Faux Mouvement”, Musée de la cour d’or, Metz
La Filature, Mulhouse
Le Maillon, Strasbourg, Journées de l’Architecture
Espace International du CEAAC, Strasbourg
Centre Culturel Français de Karlsruhe
Instituto Moreira Salles – Rio de Janeiro ( Brésil )
Instituto Moreira Salles – São Paulo ( Brésil )
Galerie Lézard – Colmar
In the framework of :
- Patrick Bogner, Residence : 01 March 2012 – 30 December 2012
- Crossed Residences : 20 September 2013 – 13 October 2013
- poteries anciennes du sud-ouest, sur un texte de Jean-Yves Lode
- Botanica, exercice de style 1999/2001, épreuve au chloro-bromure d’argent, 24x30cm d’un négatif 6×9 http://bogner.agat.net/Pro/botanica.html
- Reportage en raffinerie, ouvrage réalisé à l’usage de la communication interne de la compagnie rhénane de raffinage, épreuve chloro-bromure d’argent, 24×30 cm d’un négatif 6×9 http://bogner.agat.net/Pro/reportages.html