Born in 1968 in Bratislava, Slovakia
1990–1996 Academy of Fine Arts, Bratislava (Graphic art)
2001–2006 Academy of Dramatic Arts, Bratislava (Film theory)
2004 Billboart Gallery, Bratislava / Hot Destination – Marginal Destiny III., Trnava
2005 Exhibition of Amnesty International, Bratislava–Prague
2006 Autopoesis, SNG Bratislava / 4 + one, Slovak Institute, Prague
2007 Biopower, Bratislava–Prague / Cut & engrave!, GMB Bratislava
2008 Me and the others, Nitra / October Salon, Belgrade
2003 Female Means Political, Nitra, Bratislava
“To my artistic priorities belong interesting about gender aspect, body politics, personal critical comments to the political events (elections), resolutions and clerical interventions to the public and intimate life (visitation of pope, always hot issue about the right for abortion, anti-discrimination law…). Female means political, personal (formation, mythology) intersects with political reality – with dominating masculinity. A part of my (not too large) work represent diaries and notes, occasionally the installations, video-art, cooperation with Slovak feministic association ASPEKT, environmental activity and writing the film theory.”