I is an other

Michelangelo Pistoletto & Love Difference; Dialogues / Intercultural Dialogues: Utopias and Situations


from 2 June to 3 July 2008

apollonia venue, Strasbourg

Michelangelo PISTOLETTO “Multiconfessional Place of Meditation and Prayer”, 2000 – 2005

Artist: Michelangelo Pistoletto



Apollonia , european art exchanges and Love Difference (Biella, Italia) relying on their networks join forces to launch in May-June 2008 in Strasbourg an important event entitled Intercultural Dialogues: Utopias and Situations.

It begins with an exhibition of works by Michelangelo Pistoletto in apollonia venue, in order to present the basis of Pistoletto’s global concept of art and its social and political extension.

Rimbaud, letter to Paul Demeny, 15 May 1871

visit commented by M. Pistoletto on Wednesday 25 June 2008 at 6:30 p.m