Dialogues: Bosnia-Herzegovina

Residence: Relations
Artists: Mladen Miljanovic et Damir Niksic
Art critics: Ivana Udovicic et Sarita Vujkovic
During 10 days FABRIKculture, located in a former textile mill at Hegenheim (Alsace, France), will present two artists from Bosnia-Herzegovina who were chosen by apollonia during a research trips in Sarajevo and Banja Luka. Their two projects are distinct but closely related in their approach.
The artists, Mladen Miljanovic and Damir Niksic, open up a dialogue throught their creative work. They are accompanied by two art critics : Ivana Udovicic (National Gallery of Bosnia – Herzegovina, Sarajevo) and Sarita Vujkovic (Contemporary Art Museum of Republika Srpska, Banja Luka).
An edition follow the project.

Residence: from October 10 to 20, 2007
60, rue de Bâle, 68220 Hégenheim
Exhibition: Relations

Artists: Mladen Miljanovic et Damir Niksic
Curators: Ivana Udovicic et Sarita Vujkovic
After a residence of ten days, the two artists present their work in FABRIKculture, a former textile mill converted into a stunning exhibition hall.
Mladen Miljanovic, born in 1981 in Zenica, was an army adjudant before becoming an artist. His most recent major project called “I serve art” had been continued during his residence in FABRIKculture. Two videos and a work based on a eyesight test where one can see the word “Kill” have been created.
Through a series of installations and videos, the public discover the artist’s forceful world and his trenchant criticism of the surfeit of publicity messages invading our living environment. The artist point up his denunciaton of the ‘militarized’ system imposed by inhumane market laws, namely in his new piece of art “War Street” with reference to Wall Street.
Damir Niksic, born in 1970 in Brcko, is a renowned artist. He is actualy working on its character, the “Boogyman” and a society made on the image of him, called the “Boogyland”. Boogyman’s extravagances on the one hand give the lie to the stereotypes of islamic societies which have grown in the West, and, on the other, stress the abuse of ‘Orientalizing’ – through huge panels of ‘sacred’ images dripping with exotic romanticism.
For “Relations“, Damir Niksic settled in the FABRIKculture’s cave, that he imagined as a torture chamber. He also invaded the walls with pieces of graffiti based on a strong commited symbolic language, denouncing the ignorance and intolerance that are insidiously governing our societies.
Presentation of the project: October 18, 5: 30 PM, FNAC Mulhouse
Exhibition: from October 25 to November 11, 2007, FABRIKculture, Hégenheim (Alsace)
Friday – Sunday: 11AM – 6PM (please make a reservation for group visit)
60, rue de Bâle, 68220 Hégenheim