7 May – 17 May 2004
Bakou (Azerbaïdjan)

Artist: Robert Cahen
In collaboration with the French Embassy in Baku, the National Academy of Fine arts, the Open Society Institut of Baku – programme arts and culture
After an initial training of composer, Robert Cahen got specialization in visual arts starting from 1972: video art, installation, photo, cinema… Internationally recognized, his work has received numerous prizes. He is considered as one of the major figures of the video creation of the last decades. “Each of his works is a silent dive in the heart of imaginary landscapes towards territories where we have no more access. Appearance, disappearance, suspended time, spaces and incredible, slowed down rhythms; he uses with a high degree of perfection of the electronic techniques of the image and the sound to retranscribe the internal language(tongue) of the childhood, his games, his musing, his nightmares and his delights” (Thierry Garrel).
Robert Cahen is also a traveller, the journey feeding his artistic creation. In May, 2004, Cahen went to Baku where he animated a video workshop for the students of the Academy of Fine arts and made them, otherwise discover, at least deepen their knowledge of this medium in full development in this Caucasus country. This stay also was for Robert Cahen the occasion to lead a personal work, in association with the artist Bernard Latuner.