Born in 1986, Vladimír Turner lives and works in Prague. He graduated from the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU) in audiovisual studies, then he studied at the Studio of Intermedia Confrontation at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. He has been to study stays and residencies in Buenos Aires, Valencia, Nijmegen, Toulouse, Rotterdam, Brisbane… In his works, he oscillates between documentary film, art in public space and activism. He does not perceive these fields as divided, trying to combine them within a whole he labels as active civic life. His works from around the world can be seen in the streets, on film screens and in galleries.
2000-2009: Bca degree at Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague FAMU
2008-2009: residency at Universidad de Cine, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2010-2013: Mga degree at Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, Intermedia confrontation studio of Jiří David
2011: residency at Supermedia studio, AAAD Federico Diaz’s studio
2012: residency at Universitat Polytecnica de Valencia(UPV), sculpture department, Spain
2013: residency at Office de la créativité Toulouse France
2014: residency at Het Wilde Wetten Rotterdam
2015: residency Frontiers Of Solitude Czech Republic
Solo exhibitions:
2016: Koukání Do Zdi with Jakub Vrba, Berlínskej Model, Praha
2014-2015: Parcel ProLuka outdoor gallery, Prague
2014: Cool District Prague Berlínskej Model, Prague
2014: Cool District Het Wilde Weten, Rotterdam
2013: Public Jokes with Mathieu Tremblin, Dresden
2012: Armagedon byl včera, dnes máme problém Vitrína Deniska, Olomouc
2012: Artmasna Fenester Gallery, Prague
2012: Saver T V-Gallery, FAMU, Prague
2010: Baldessari vs Turner Gallery 207, Prague
Group shows:
2016 : The Art Of Urban Intervention Apollonia gallery, Strasbourg
2016 : Second Iteration Of The Frontiers Of Solitude Route OGV Gallery, Jihlava
2016 : Frontiers Of Solitude Školská28 Gallery, Prague
2015 : Subversive Tactics Czech Centre in New York City
2015 : PALS Filkyngen, Stockholm
2015 : Dismaland Weston- super- Mare
2015 : Dům ztracených duší Povaleč Festival, Valeč
2015 : Museo Mundial Národní zemědělské muzeum, Prague
2015 : Offcity Střelnice Pardubice
2015 : 5.Performance Festival Prague
2015 : To let get occupied NoD Roxy Praha
2014 : Xenofilia NTK, Prague
2014 : Krajina znovu objevená- Laboratorium na MFDF Jihlava, Galerie Půda, Jihlava
2014 : Pret Park Mediamatic, Amsterdam
2014 : Ptolemy’s Children NTK Gallery, Prague
2014 : The Future Of DIY Activism Delai Sam Moscow
2013 : 7 let chrámu svobody Trafačka, Prague
2013 : Where is my home? DOX, Prague
2013 : Problem is here part of 4+4 Days In Motion Festival, Prague
2013 : Lapidárium Galerie Jaroslava Frágnera, Prague
2013 : Petites résistances – Rebellion als Kunstform, Weltkunstzimmer, Düsseldorf
2012 : Game is over! Would you like to play another game? part of 4+4 Days in Motion festival, Prague
2012 : Chůze Periferií Festival Fluidum, K4 Gallery, Prague
2012 : My place Trafo Galerie, Praha
4 – 12 July 2012 : La perte du désir de plaisir, at PCF, Part of UNLUST project by Anonymos, Place Voltaire, Arles, France
2011 : Pátý přes devátý Trafačka, Prague
2011 : Happiness 4+4 Days in Motion festival, Prague
2011 : Velocypedia NTK Gallery, Prague
2011 : Když to nejde silou, přitlač! Galerie Suterén, Plzeň
2011 : Čí je to město? Karlín Studios, Praha
2010 : Hra na náhodu Galerie Emila Filly, Ústí nad Labem
2010 : Young Art Biennial , Dům u Kamenného Zvonu, Prague
2010 : Citizen K Prague (with Ztohoven Group)
2010 : Phenomenon Game , NTK Gallery, Prague
2009 : City for sale Alternative space Truhla
2009 : Zpět v CASe GAMU Gallery
2009 : Art and Law II
2007 : ArtLaboratoryBerlin (with Ztohoven Group)NG 333 award 1st price (with Ztohoven Group)
2007 : II Bienal Argentino-Checa Buenos aires
2007 : (with Ztohoven Group)Cosmopolitics
2007 : Bukurešť (with Ztohoven Group)Grotesque
2007 : Papírna Vrané nad Vltavou, 8olfPrague Art Block
2007 : Trafo GalleryIkony všedního dne
2006 : Trafo GalleryTrafačka Opening
2013 : Szpylman Award top 6 works (Enlightenment)
2012 : PAF festival of animation, Honorable mention award- « Other visions » section(Enlightenment), Olomouc
2012 : Zlatý voči (Merry-go-round and 33 Scalps awarded in experimental section)
2012 : Memefest , awarded one of The best works in audiovisual category (Wonderland series), part of creative workshop at Qeensland university, Brisbane
2012 : Zootropio videoartfestival FLOW(best videoart image award), 33Scalps(best documentary concept award), Merry-go-round(documentary, overall best)Porto, Portugal
2011 : Memefest awarded one of The best works in art category (UFF)
2011 : Early Melons The best videoart award(Flow), Bratislava
2011 : Cinemaibuit Best documentary film(UFF), Nina Behar Award(UFF)
2010 : Famufest
2010 : 1st prize – the best experimental movie(Flow), Prague
2009 : Crossing Boundaries short film competition, 2nd prize in Czech section
26/03/2009 : iShorts short film competition, 1st place, Prague
2009 : Zlatý voči , 1 st price (Liberté)
2008 : Famufest 1st price – the best editing (On Media Reality)
In the framework of:
The art of Urban Interference, exhibition: 26th April to 29th May 2016:
- Digital collage_ 2012/ Valencia Made during my stay in Valencia. Inspired by police violence during 15 de Mayo protests and riots
- „Body zájmu“ Installation 1 x 0,5m,tourist map of Prague, plexiglass, wire, clamps_Prague / 2014
- Object in public space Made as part of Woodoo session festival 300 x 160cm, fiberboard_ Poděbrady / 2011
- „Živá socha““ Performance Busking for money with „Freedom“ sign_ Prague / 2015 Made as part of 5. Performance Festival Prague Thanks Tomáš Brabec, Darina Alster, Vladimír Turner, Robert Carrithers