ENSAS / Apollonia / MEA – October 22th 2020
Within the framework of the Journées de l’Architecture

From 2016 to 2019 experiments about urbanity in Strasbourg and St. Petersburg were conducted by the French Institute of Russia, in collaboration with associations and institutions such as the National School of Architecture of Strasbourg and Apollonia.
On October 22th, a day of reflection was held at the ENSAS and Apollonia, during which we presented the measures implemented to change the city, involving citizens and artists.
This day is dedicated to new urban practices that accompany the transformation of the city by complementing the classic planning tools with contextual, participative and artistic approaches. It mirrors territories in Strasbourg and Saint Petersburg through experiments that aim to re-enchant the city and urbanity through the involvement of citizens and artists.
The day opened at the National Superior School of Architecture of Strasbourg (ENSAS) on the restitution of multiple actions on the mutation of peri-urban and industrial territories in Saint Petersburg. In the afternoon, a return to the urban and artistic projects of Apollonia and its partners, notably with the Artecitya and Vivacité projects at the Robertsau, the projects experimented by Le Syndicat Potentiel and the La Ingold project by Francois Duconseille.
In collaboration with : the IFR, the ITMO university, the Fab Lab Polytech, Artplay, the Street Art Museum, Upsala Cirque, Bertrand Gosselin/Paris-St.-Pétersbourg, the ENSAS, the MEA, Apollonia, Alfred Peter, François Duconseille, the Syndicat Potentiel, Bellastock/Paris, La Fabrique Royal/Paris and the Laboratoire Erasme/Lyon.