Born in 1974, Bogna Burska is a graduate of the Guest Atelier of Leon Tarasewicz, Painting Department of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts (2001). She has presented her paintings, video art and photo based objects both at home and abroad, starting in 1999. Burska was a participant of the most important recent Polish art presentations abroad like for instance: “Under the White and Red Flag. New Art from Poland” shown in 2004 in Estonia and Lithuania or “Bialy Mazur” presented in 2003 Germany. Her latest solo exhibition (2004) was presented at the Zacheta Gallery in Warsaw.
Within “Anne, Marie, Madeleine” Burska presents two of her works – Life is Beautiful and Algorithm. Both works are visually hyper-attractive photograms presenting a beauty of blossoming nature in conjunction with drastic images of dysfuncioned bodies that underwent surgery operations. The scenes of violence are perversely translocated into domain of aesthetics. The act of violence becomes the source of a beautiful image. Bogna Burska presents within the sphere of art things and situations that are normally shunned because of the instinctive anxiety they inspire. The viewer is forced to focus on those aspects of human experience, which are perceived as negative and therefore rejected from the sphere of visual representation. The artist explores the realm of individual suffer and its traumatic aura and its positioning within the contemporary culture. The works of Burska might be also perceived as artistic-cum-therapeutic objects that familiarize the viewer with the indescribable. In this deeply intimate way they become the curse of the viewer, but also a potential turning point in his or her thinking about the relations between desire, repugnance and beauty.
Within the framework of: Anna, Maria, Magdalena, In the image and the dissimilarity