Exhibition at LAC (Place of Art and Culture)
Collège de la Souffel, Pfulgriesheim
From the 19th May to 2nd July 2021

Artists: Laurence Demaison – Fernande Petitdemange – Luminita Liboutet – Frantisek Zvardon – Saïd Atabekov – Majid Hojati – Almagul Menlibayeva – Syrlybek Bekbotayev
From 19th of May to 2nd of July, the Collège de la Souffel of Pfulgriesheim and Apollonia organize a cosmopolitan exhibition of photographic works.
The artworks on the theme of portrait are issued from La Photothèque Apollonia’s photo fund that gathers a selection of artists of all over Europe.
With this exhibition, the Collège de La Souffel inaugurates is LAC (Lieu d’Art et de Culture – Place of Art and Culture), and a series of educational projects on the human figures’ topic.
Rich of 30 years of experience and crossbreeding, Apollonia has set up La Photothèque, an environmentally friendly photographic collection representing the diversity of contemporary artistic creation.
To meet the environmental demands and challenges of its time, Apollonia has chosen to print its photographs in an entirely eco-responsible manner, on recycled paper from the Lana paper mill and with non-harmful inks by DS Impression.
In partnership with the Collège de la Souffel, DS Impression and the LANA paper mill.