Born in Belgium in 1967
Lives and works in Liège
Messieurs Delmotte positions himself somewhere between reality and imagination, between genius and dilettantism. Distinguishing himself through a formal dress code, poker face expression and meticulously combed hair, Delmotte presents himself as a dashing character (a double) that surprises his audience with – unpredictable and absurd – gestural discoveries. And yet such gaiety and nonsensical behavior betray an existential and poetic revolt. Delmotte engages himself in a hilarious and heroic battle dealing with objects, humans or animals alike. In so doing, he undermines ‘the rules of the game’.
Experience :
Graduat à l’Institut des Beaux-Arts St-Luc (Liège, 1992) – Workshops : Afrikanisch-Europäische Inspiration, Goethe
Institut (Pédagonji/ Lomé, West Africa, 1995), 3 months work period, Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten (Amsterdam, 2000),
Tokyo Touch Project, Akihabara TV (Tokyo, 2002)
Selected Exhibition – Festivals – TV :
– Adolescent and Living Rooms, The 21 st L.A. Lesbian & Gay Festival, Platinum section, Los Angeles (USA) – Paysage vu de
profil, MAMAC, Liège (B) – International Exhibitionnist, Curzon Soho Cinema, London (GB) – Carte Blanche, Musée d’Art
Contemporain “Les Abattoirs”, Toulouse (F) – The Making of Balkan Wars : The Game, Personal Cinema, Thessanolica (G)
– Street Show, Contemporary performance videos, William College museum of Art, Massachusetts (USA) – Octopus,
Brugge 2002, Bruges (B) – Looking is better than Feeling you, Museo Tamavo Arte Contemporaneo, Mexico City (M) – Mic Mac,
ARTE (D) – Akihabara TV, Command N, Tokyo (J) – 9th New York Underground Festival, 2002 Anthology Film Archives, New
York (USA)
– Instants Fragiles, Passage de Retz, Paris (F) – In the Mean Time, De Appel (Cin, De Balie), Amsterdam (NL)/Kino Central, Berlin
(D)/Museo Nacional Centra de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid(S) – Strobe, This Way Up, London (GB) – 3 months work period,
Rijksakademie Van Beeldende Kunsten, Amterdam (NL) – Recent Video from Belgium, Museum of Modern Art, Philadelphia
(USA) – Rentrez Chez ou/et En Vous ( The Dansant II ), everywhere in the world (letters)
In the framework of :
- ART OF THE IRREVERENCE, exhibition : from 6 february to 13 march 2012
- Messieurs Delmotte, I represent my own ego (in falling), nobody is perfect (2), latex, 15 exemplaires, H. : 190 cm