Born in 1962 in Zemun, Serbia
Studied Graphic Art and Photography at the Academy of Applied Art and Design in Belgrade.
He presented his artwork under the alias Talent between 1986 and 1996 and as a member of Talent Factory between 1996 and 2006.
2006 A Spare Planet, O3ON Gallery, Belgrade
2003 A Three-dimensional Wallpaper, Pattern No. 7, the Art Gallery in the Belgrade Youth Centre, Belgrade
1999 A Camp, the Gallery of Graficki kolektiv, Belgrade
1996 The Tribal Chief’s Skull, the Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
1994 An English First Reader, the SKUC Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2001 LRD (Laser Random Drawing), goEurope: The Kaleidoscopic Eye, Kunsthalle des ARTmax, Brauschweig, Germany
1998 Toys, Kunststoff-Holz, Holz Museum, St. Ruprecht ob Murau, Austria
1997 Freeze Frame, Ostranenie ’97, the International Electronic Media Forum, Bauhaus-Keller, Dessau, Germany
Pteroids, Yugoslav Contemporary Art, Helexpo Pavilion, Thessalonica, Greece
1994 Cetinje Biennial II, Cetinje, Montenegro